application/x-httpd-php products.php ( PHP script text ) Nichino India Private Limited








  • Carbogran is a broad-spectrum “Contact and Systemic” in action, controls wide range of insects and nematodes.
  • Carbogran on entering the pest body by contact or ingestion dissolves the acetylcholinesterase leading to permanent nerve stimulation resulting in uncontrolled moments and paralysis.
  • Carbogran is used for both preventive and curative treatment and gives a long duration control after application.
  • Carbogran is compatible along with non-alkaline pesticides and fertilizers.
  • Carbogran on entering the plant through roots is transferred to all parts resulting in controlling pests on shoots and roots which are otherwise difficult to target.
  • Carbogran has no recorded evidence of resistance development.


    Crop Seed Treatment Dosage (gm/plant)
    Banana Nematode 60
    Rhizome Weevil 33
    Aphid 166
    Apple Wooly Aphid 166


    Crop Pest Dosage (kg/acre)
    Paddy Brown planthopper, Gall midge, Stem borer, Green leafhopper, Hispa 10
    Wheat Ear Cockle Nematode 4
    Cereal Cyst Nematode 24
    Maize Stem borer, Shoot fly, Thrips 12
    Soybean Root Knot Nematode 20
    Sugarcane Top Borer 24
    Chilli Aphid, Thrips 12
    Groundnut Pod Borer 20
    White Grub 12
    Bajra Shoot fly 20
    Sorghum Shoot fly 12
    Stem borer 4
    Barley Jassids 16
    Aphid, Cyst nematode 12
    Okra (Bhindi) Jassids 12
    Tomato Whitefly 16
    Potato Aphid 8
    Jassids 12
    Citrus Nematode 4
    Leaf Miner 20
    Mustard Mustard Leafminer 24
    Whitefly 12
    Brinjal Root Knot Nematode, Reniform Nematode 24
    Cabbage Nematode 20
    French Bean White Grub 8
    Jute Nematodes 12
    Peach Leaf Curl Aphid 12